A6082 T6 T651 EN755 Extruded Aluminum flat bar

2019-07-09 18:10
A6082 aluminium alloy is an aluminium-magnesium-silicon heat-treatment strengthening alloy with good extrusion and forging properties, good anodic oxidation and corrosion resistance. After 6082 extrusion quenching and artificial aging, HBS (> 80), 6061 (> 95). A6082 T6 T651 EN755 Extruded Aluminum flat bar is suitable for manufacturing aircraft landing pads, boats, building components, bicycles, automotive parts, optical instruments, rail vehicle aluminum, etc. The quenching sensitivity of 6082 is higher (compared with 6061). Its composition contains Mn, so its corrosion resistance and weldability are better. 6082 is used more in ship's plates and components like ocean ships.
Extruded Aluminum flat bar
A6082 T6 T651 EN755 Extruded Aluminum flat bar Mechanical properties :
Tensile strength_b (MPa): > 245
Elongation rate (%): > 10
A6082 T6 EN755 Aluminum flat bar specifications
Alloy/temper: 6082 T6/T651
The thickness of the existing die is as follows: 17mm~220mm
Width: 10mm ~ 500mm,

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